Saturday, December 8, 2007

Raphael "Ralph" S. Santos

I would like to take a second to honor someone I never met, Ralph Santos. R.I.P.
As you may or may not know, I am a long time record collector, I also work at a record store.
I have the pleasure of being a buyer for the store I work at.
I had the opportunity to go through Ralphs records.
What a great collection of jazz from the 50's through 80's.
Almost every album had been carefully taped at the edges to preserve the covers.
Every single inner sleeve had been cut on each corner to ease wear on the jackets.
Almost every record was in mint condition.
Ralph took the time to write the artists name and record title as well as
the record number on each inner sleeve.
I have never (in 25 years) seen such a well cared for record collection
Ralph Santos cared about his records like children.
Ralph Santos cared about people as well, he donated all of his records to
a non-profit organization in Roxbury.

I will try to post pics of "My" finds from this collection soon.

Here's to Raphael "Ralph" Santos

Rest In Peace

1 comment:

Pace said...

Thank you Mr. Santos. I will cherish your Esther Marrow record as you once did. Rest in peace.